The European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG) is a patient-led NGO that advocates for the rights and interests of people living with or affected by HIV/ AIDS and related co-infections within the WHO Europe region. Founded in 1992, the EATG is a network of more than 150 members from 45 countries in Europe. Our members are PLHIV and representatives of different communities affected by HIV/AIDS and co-infections. EATG represents the diversity of more than 2.3 million people living with HIV in Europe as well as those affected by HIV/AIDS and co-infections.

Through the Combination Prevention Programme, it informs, engages, and empowers all persons at risk of acquiring HIV and associated infections to increase access to and usage of HIV, viral hepatitis, TB, and STI combination prevention and testing strategies in affected communities. It promotes a full range of testing/diagnostic options, biomedical prevention, and harm reduction, in the context of welcoming, non-stigmatising, and effective community-driven or community-based services."

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