Logo Parapluie Rouge

Fédération Parapluie Rouge


The Fédération Parapluie Rouge is made up of most of the associations/collectives working in community health and/or defending the rights of sex workers (TDS) in France, namely: Acceptess T (Paris), Autres Regards (Marseille), Bad Boys (Paris & Marseille), Cabiria (Lyon), Collectif des femmes de Strasbourg St-Denis (Paris), Grisélidis (Toulouse), PASTT (Paris), PDA (Besançon), les Roses d'Acier (Paris), STRASS- Syndicat du travail sexuel (France), les Pétrolettes (Rennes & Brest), Queer Auvergne (Clermont-Ferrand), Paloma (Nantes) and Chardon Ardent (Caen).
The Fédération Parapluie Rouge is recruiting members and is mainly aimed at community associations, groups and collectives.
Our aim is to federate all the forces fighting for the health and rights of sex workers, and particularly against HIV/AIDS & other STIs, since it was with the arrival of AIDS that community health associations were created in France.

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