Inequality lens
Inequality lens
Community leadership
Community leadership
Intersectionality and inclusivity
Intersectionality and inclusivity
CORE – COmmunity REsponse to End Inequalities aims to reduce inequalities in the HIV, TB and viral hepatitis responses by promoting, strengthening and integrating community responses that have proven key in reaching communities that have been traditionally underserved by mainstream prevention and healthcare services. This approach is particularly vital in the context of countries where these responses are still inadequate compared to the EU average.
CORE Strategic Objectives

CORE Strategic Objectives

As a reflection of the Global AIDS Strategy 2021-2026, and focusing on EU Member States in central and south-eastern Europe, CORE follows the flowing strategic objectives:

CORE Partners

  • AAF Logo
  • Afrikaherz logo full
  • AAE logo
  • ASM logo
  • ARAS logo
  • Carusel logo
  • CEEISCAT Logo.png
  • Correlation Network
  • Czech AIDS Help Society logo
  • DAH_Logo
  • ESWA logo
  • Logo Parapluie Rouge
  • Lila Milano
  • FES logo
  • HWB
  • Hatter Society Logo
  • ITM logo
  • LEGEBITRA logo
  • Noaks
  • Odyseus
  • Positive Voice
  • PRAKSIS logo
  • RRF
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.